I just received a rather concerning email from Daniel Larson of the Urbana Human Relations Commission.  In preparation for a hearing in regards to a Human Rights complaint that I filed in September, I made a number of inquiries with Larson, who is to serve as Chair for that hearing.

According to Larson, the Urbana Human Rights Ordinance does not allow a complainant to have any legal representation at an appeals hearing which may occur for reasons of jurisdiction or probably cause.

The right to legal representation is a cornerstone of modern law.  It is rather impressively hypocritical for a Commission whose founding documents repeatedly espouse the importance of “fair and equal treatment under the law” and full and equal access to all residents to disallow such a fundamental right.

The Urbana City Attorney, James Simon, will be arguing for dismissal of my Human Rights complaint, and the complainant is expected to contend with the City Attorney.  For some reason, the City of Urbana and its Commission on Human Rights finds this to be an equitable approach.  I find the City’s posture on handling complaints to be corrupt and repulsive.

-Christopher Hansen, Urbana

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