Some Champaign County residents had to wait up to three hours to cast their votes this evening. Hundreds of voters were made to wait at the University of Illinois Union Building polling location in Urbana. About six hundred feet in length, the line snaked through hallways and rooms around the building.
Volunteers handed out granola bars and bottles of water. As the 7pm voting deadline neared, residents were assured they that would still get to vote, but not if they left their spot in line.
At 7:20pm, a large delivery of Domino’s pizza arrived and volunteers carried boxes up and down the lines, handing out slices. Check CU could not determine who actually provided the food and drinks – multiple workers at the polling location said they did not know where it came from.
The polling place stayed open late, and the last ballots were cast at 9:15pm, but the long wait caused many frustrated residents to leave without voting.
Champaign County Clerk Aaron Ammons significantly reduced the number of polling locations last year, and for the second year in a row has claimed that the Clerk’s website has been the target of cyber attacks.

https://twitter.com/electmikeingram/status/1590034542228049922 Mike Ingram contacted Pizzatothepolls… Democrats…