More than fifteen months after passing “A Resolution Prioritizing Tactical De-escalation in the Use of Force Policy and Police Transparency in Urbana”, it seems to have gone almost entirely ignored by the City, the Council, and the Urbana, Illinois Police Department (UPD).
The resolution, the relevant portion of which is provided in text below (and full version in PDF format) was passed unanimously by the Council on February 22nd, 2021.
Though the resolution sought to increase police use of force tracking and reporting, in actuality the UPD has almost entirely eliminated any use of force tracking and review.
Contrary to the requirements stated in the Resolution, no annual or quarterly report of Urbana Police use of force has been given, announced, or provided to the public or the City Council. It wouldn’t even be possible for the UPD to create use of force reports, since they stopped tracking police use of force incidents over nine months ago.
Despite the resolution, no civilian has been included on the Use of Force Review Board (a board which does not appear to exist in the first place).
It does not appear that changes to the Use of Force Policy, including unlawful changes to the TASER Policy, are being presented to the City Council.
On February 22nd, 2021, before the Council passed the resolution, members of the public expressed concern that such legislation would only serve as political posturing – it seems they were right.
The five sections of the resolution are presented here (click on image below to view full 4-page PDF):
“Section 1.
The Urbana Police Department shall prioritize de-escalation in the Use of Force Policy whenever feasible and in keeping with the Ten Shared Principles. Additionally, Urbana police officers will regularly practice, encourage, and train in tactical de-escalation techniques for the safety and protection of both citizens and officers.
Section 2.
The Urbana Police Department shall include at least one Urbana civilian resident on the Use of Force Review Board and provide appropriate training to such appointee(s).
Section 3.
The Urbana Police Department shall submit an annual report to the City Council which will include the use of force by its officers. At a minimum the annual report shall include in aggregated form: the number of use of force incidents, the findings of the Use of Force Review Board, and whether any disciplinary or training actions were taken as a result of the Board’s review. Further, the data should be disaggregated by type of force used, as well as by the race, gender and age of the individuals involved. In addition, a quarterly report will be provided to city council with aggregated results of data that is sent to the state of Illinois. This report will be publicly available.
Section 4.
For purposes of education, self-reflection and possible amendment, the Urbana Police Department shall review the Use of Force policy in collaboration with members of the public, its officers, City staff, and the City Council at least every five years. City Council may request this policy be updated earlier than five years based on community concerns.
Section 5.
Prior to the adoption of any changes to the Use of Force Policy, the Police Chief or their designee shall present the changes to the City Council.”

Interim Urbana Police Chief Richard Surles told me in person today that the Annual Use of Force Report required by Section 3 will be submitted to council and the public sometime in June.