Two weeks ago, Check CU published an article which included the full resignation video of Champaign, Illinois Unit 4 School District Board member Jamar Brown. Brown resigned on March 4th, 2024, saying he can “no longer see a clear path” and can “no longer see the value in continuing”.
Earlier today, Check CU acquired copies of Brown’s official resignation letter, as well as the resignation letter of another Board member, Mark Thies, who resigned shortly after Brown.
Whereas Brown resigned due to internal conflicts within the District and obstacles for which he could not envision a solution, Thies apparently resigned due to personal time constraints. However, his resignation indicates that he at least recognized some of the complaints from Board members about communication and trust with the District administration.
On March 19th, 2024, Thies wrote the following:
“Dear School Board Members & Superintendent,
I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign my position on the Champaign Unit 4 School Board, effective immediately. My other commitments are making it difficult for me to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the board.
Thank you to the community for electing me to serve on this board. My platform was on improving student performance and creating a more positive environment for teachers. In my time on the board, it is clear that my vision is not aligned with the future direction and initiatives of Unit 4.
For the board to be effective and maintain a healthy culture: a laser focus needs to be on student achievement, transparent information should be free flowing, respect and trust with the administration, and foremost strong leadership at the top of the district. Meetings need to be organized, maintain professionalism, and be efficient so that meaningful feedback and open, honest dialogue support sound decisions and long-term planning. If everyone is valued it’s easier to make decisions that are effective and will make a difference in the lives of our students and teachers.
I wish Unit 4 much success in the future.
Mark Thies”
Unit 4 School District administrative staff, along with the remaining Board members, have been working to fill the vacant Board seats.
The records we acquired through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, which contain both resignation letters, are provided in their entirety below.