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About Check CU

This non-profit site was established to aid in disseminating information about relevant issues in the Champaign-Urbana area.  Transparency and access to public records is paramount to functioning government and since the public bodies within CU are failing in that regard, civilians must do the work.  If you have files or documents that are of public interest, please consider sending them to Check CU so that we can make them publicly accessible.

-Christopher Hansen, Founder

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Marlin Doubles-Down on Open Meetings Act Violations

Marlin Doubles-Down on Open Meetings Act Violations

The October 26th meeting of the Urbana City Council saw a manic Mayor Marlin, re-elevated to her civilian-crushing characteristics of September 14th, when she once again interrupted and muted multiple members of the public for encroaching on her newly-invented speech...

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Urbana Announces Police Use of Force Listening Sessions

Urbana Announces Police Use of Force Listening Sessions

The “use of force” listening sessions that Urbana City Administrator Carol Mitten briefly mentioned at last week’s City Council meeting were officially announced this afternoon.  The announcement is coupled with the creation of a new section on the Urbana City...

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James Simon Lies About FOIA Recurrent Requester Fees

James Simon Lies About FOIA Recurrent Requester Fees

On Monday October 5th, I wrote a letter to the Urbana City Council predicting that City Attorney James Simon would lie to them and the public about how the city legal department has been charging fees on Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.  Here is that...

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