Champaign, Illinois Unit 4 School District Board member Jamar Brown resigned on March 4th, 2024, saying he can “no longer see a clear path” and can “no longer see the value in continuing”. Brown described internal conflicts within the District as a distraction from the focus on student needs, and an obstacle for which he could not envision a solution.
Brown served on the School Board once before during a four year term which began in 2011. He said that experience was “extremely fulfilling”. However, he says this second term “has been filled with mistrust, missteps, and misinformation”.
Board member Amy Armstrong responded, praising and thanking Mr. Brown. On the verge of tears, she concluded with, “I’m terribly sad and it makes me question my own future”.
A portion of Brown’s statement is provided below, along with a complete video of his statement along with the statements of fellow Board members.
“Before rejoining the board, I had many conversations with individuals connected directly and or indirectly to this district. I heard about the many great things that were happening in Unit 4. I also heard there were some challenges, things that were happening within the district and things that were happening to the district.
With this information, I jumped on board just to work my purpose once again within the district. Once inside, I did notice the attacks that were happening to the district. However, what was more alarming to me were the self-inflicted wounds and attacks we were doing to ourselves. I’ve tried to contribute to the district’s progress through votes, conversations, and suggestions.
However, given the current climate and culture, I no longer see a clear path. The district’s decision to not maintain a level of humility, compassion and adjustability has forced us to focus on adult oriented issues instead of student centered ones that could help raise reading and math scores and comprehension. The ones that ensure that every child in our district is seen, heard, and respected, and the ones where we will assess ourselves to make sure that we have the right people in the right positions where they can thrive and in turn pass that along to our students.
So because of this, I no longer see value in continuing in this capacity. So please accept this as my resignation from the Champaign Uniform Board of Education, effective today, at the conclusion of open session. I understand that my decision may disappoint some, and for that I offer my sincere apologies. Having committed to a four year term and leaving with less than a year in, I hope that my prior contributions and dedication to this community will earn me the grace to understand the gravity of this decision, which was not made lightly.”